Halftee Blog » sustainablefashion

How You Can Style Fashionably on a Budget - HALFTEE Layering Fashions

How You Can Style Fashionably on a Budget

You don’t have to have designer clothes to radiate great style. However you should pick clothing that makes you feel confident and happy. When you look in your closet, think of who you want to be, and how you want to feel; how you dress can help you feel like you’re showing up for yourself, and that you’re really going after the life you want! If your clothes don’t line up with that vision, don’t hold on to them— it’s time to give them a better home. With that said, let’s jump into 10 tips for affordable styling!

4 Ethical Companies to Remember Next Time You Need to Shop

It’s important to feel good about where you shop, so I wanted to bring some awesome companies to light. Learning about the ethics of these companies (and others) has restored... Read More
4 Ethical Companies to Remember Next Time You Need to Shop - HALFTEE Layering Fashions